Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Trojan Trojan DLL static variable dynamic development team

I believe used to play the Trojan horse friends will know some of the characteristics, will have their own favorite horse, but many of my friends still do not know if the rise in recent years, "DLL Trojans" are. What is a "DLL Trojan" mean? It with the general horse different?

First, from the start with DLL technology

To understand the Trojan DLL, you must know the "DLL" What does that mean, therefore, let us back a few years ago, DOS system popular in the days to come. At that time, writing programs is a complicated matter, because each procedure code are independent, and sometimes in order to achieve a function, we must do a lot of code to write, and later with the development of programming, programmers have to a lot of common code set (common code) into a separate file, and put the file called "Library" (Library), at the time of writing programs, this library file into the compiler can use this library contains all the features without having to go to write a lot of their code, this technique is known as the "static link" (Static Link). Static Link technology allows programmers fatigue relief, everything seemed OK. But the facts prove that good things do not exist for too long, because the static link as a rude salesperson, whether you want one do not want publicity, he all stuffed into your hand to. Write a program that would like to use a library file contains some graphic effects, because of this, you have to carry this library all the graphics are the accession process, keep them as vase decoration, which might be nothing important But these roads are blocked confused vase - static link to the end of the process technology has become big, because the compiler has the entire library files are also enumerated.

Era in the development, static link technology as a natural disadvantage can not meet the aspirations of programmers, people start looking for a better way to solve the code duplication problem. Later, Windows system there, the watershed was finally time. Windows systems use a new link technology, which is known as "Dynamic Link" (Dynamic Link) of the new technology is also used library files, Microsoft calls them "dynamic link library" - Dynamic Link Library, DLL name that comes out of this. Static and dynamic link itself links to no difference, is also the common code written into the independent file, but compiled, the company made a circle around and did not add to the library method of procedure, but the library made program files have been compiled to give them to open interfaces to exchange data, when programmers write programs, if you want to use a library file of a performance function, the system put the library file into memory, connect to share this program task process, then the implementation of procedures to use the feature function, and the results returned to the process shown, in our view, as is the function with the same procedure themselves. After the completion of the functionality required, the DLL stop the run, the entire call process is completed. Microsoft, these libraries can be invoked multiple procedures to achieve a more perfect sharing, the programmer to write no matter what procedures, if the code is added the statement calls on the relevant DLL can use its full functionality. The most important thing is, DLL will not let you take more than a vase, what you want it to you, you do things that it does not give you. This was no longer carrying out the process a lot of garbage - will definitely not let what you take home leftovers, or a fine, which is buffet.

DLL technology was born, so programming becomes a simple matter, Windows has provided us with thousands of function interfaces, sufficient to meet the needs of most programmers. Moreover, Windows system itself is composed by the thousands of DLL files, DLL support each of these to form a powerful Windows. If Windows uses static linking technology, its size will be? I dare not think.

Second, application program interface API

Above, we probably made a DLL technology analysis, in which I mentioned the "interface", which is it? Because DLL can not be done as a static library file into the programs, and so let the program know how to code and to achieve functional documents into question, Microsoft has done a Biaozhun 涓?DLL technical specifications, Rang a DLL file Xiang Yi Yang opened many holes in the cheese, Meige holes are noted inside the Gongneng Cunfang name, Cheng Xu Zhiyaogenju standards related to the hole on Zhaodao can get it to taste, and this hole is the "application program interface" (Application Programming Interface), with each DLL interface is not the same as the maximum possible reduction of the code duplication. Steven sentence with: API is a toolbox, you need to be removed under the screwdriver, wrench, and then used them back in place. In Windows, the basic three DLL files are kernel32.dll, user32.dll, gdi32.dll. Together they constitute the basic system framework.

3, DLL and Trojans

DLL is compiled code, no major differences with the general procedure, but it can not run independently, and need to process calls. So, DLL can be linked with Trojan What is the relationship? If you learned programming and wrote a DLL, will find, in fact, DLL's code and other procedures is almost no different, just different interface and startup mode, as long as the changes to the code entry about , DLL becomes a separate proceedings. Of course, DLL file is not in application logic here is not to say DLL = EXE, however, can still missing DLL main entrance as EXE, DLL function with the various features can be seen as a process of several function modules. DLL Trojan horse is the function that implements the code, plus some special code written DLL file, export-related API, in the other view, this is a common DLL, but this DLL is to bring a complete Trojan functionality This is the concept of DLL Trojans. Some people may ask, since the same code Trojan functionality can be achieved, then the program can directly do, why superfluous written DLL? This is to hide it, run-time DLL is linked directly to the procedures in the process of calling it in and will not produce another process, so relative to the traditional EXE Trojan, it is difficult to find.

4, DLL operation

Although the DLL are neither run, but the DLL is loaded when Windows requires an entrance function, just as the main EXE, as otherwise the system can not reference DLL. Therefore, according to the preparation of specifications, Windows must find and implement a function inside the DLL loaded DLL DllMain as the basis for this function as the API is not exported, but the internal function. DLL DllMain function to be preserved in memory, some DLL which does not DllMain function, but still able to use because Windows can not find the DllMain in time, will run the library from other do not do anything to find a default DllMain function to activate the DLL so that it can be loaded that DLL can not give up DllMain function.

5, DLL Trojan Technical Analysis

To here, you might think, since there are so many benefits of DLL Trojans, Trojans are used to write after the manner DLL not like it? It though to say yes, but some people think DLL Trojan is not so easy to write . The DLL can be used to write a Trojan, you need to know more knowledge.

1. Trojan subject

Do Do not really like a Trojan API library module written in the same, this is not development WINAPI. Trojan DLL can export several auxiliary functions, but there must be a process for the main implementation of the code, otherwise the DLL API function can only be a pile of fragmented, never mind work.

If it involves some common code, you can write in the DLL in some internal functions, the code for their own use, rather than all of the code is open into the interface so that it calls itself is immune, but can not play.

Standard implementation of the Trojan DLL entrance DllMain, it must be in written DLL DllMain Trojan running code, or point to the implementation of the module DLL Trojans.

2. Dynamic Embedding

Windows, each process has its own private memory space, another process is allowed to operate on the private domain, but in fact we can still resort to other means to enter and manipulate the process's private memory, which is dynamic embedding It is running its own code embedded in the process of technology. There are many dynamic embed, the most common is the hook, API and remote thread technique, most of DLL Trojans are now using remote thread technique to hang himself in a normal system process. In fact, dynamic embedding is not uncommon, Logitech's MouseWare drivers on each system process hung-_-

Remote Thread is created by another process, the remote thread (RemoteThread) method into the process of memory address space. DLL Trojans in the areas where this technology is also called the "injection", when the vector was injected in the process of creating a remote thread inside and ordered it to load the DLL, the Trojans would hang implemented, no new production process, in order to to mount the horse stopped only to the process of decommissioning Trojan DLL. However, many times we can do nothing - it Explorer.exe hang together, are you sure you want to close Windows?

3. Trojan boot

Some may not wait for that DLL into the system directly to the start of this project is not on it. The answer is NO, as I said before, DLL can not run independently, it can not start the project in direct start it. To get up and running horse, you need an EXE DLL using dynamic embedded technology allows the car to catch the other normal processes, so that is embedded in the process of calling the DLL's DllMain function, excited horse run, and finally start the Trojan EXE end of the run, Trojan Start completed.

Trojan EXE DLL launch is an important role, it is called Loader, if not Loader, DLL Trojan is broken pile, therefore, be considered as mature a DLL Trojan will try to protect its Loader will not so easily destroyed. I remember a story you collude? DLL Trojan Loader is climbing in the wolf's in a difficult position.

Loader can be varied, Windows of rundll32.exe are also a number of DLL Trojans used for the Loader, This Trojan usually without the dynamic embedded technology, which runs directly hung rundll32 process, with the rundll32 method (rundll32.exe [DLL name], [function] [arguments]) as the API calls to refer to this as the start function of excitation Trojan DLL module started, even if you kill rundll32, Trojan horses or body, and one of the most common example is the 3721 Chinese real name Although it is not trojan.

The AppInit_DLLs registry key is also used to launch a number of Trojans themselves, such as Klez. Start using the registry is to allow the system to achieve the implementation of DllMain start Trojan purposes. Because it is transferred to the kernel, the stability of this DLL have great demands a little mistake can lead to system crashes, so rarely see such a Trojan horse.

Some more complex points of DLL Trojans launched by svchost.exe, this DLL must be written Trojan NT-Service, import function is ServiceMain, generally rare, but the hidden nature of this Trojan is also good, and Loader secure.

4. Other

Here we all should have learned about the Trojan DLL is not really want to write one? Do not worry, do not know if we thought not, since the Trojan DLL so good, why has not it find the DLL Trojan few? Let me to pour cold water, the most important reason: because the process of DLL Trojans hung system running, if it itself is poorly written, such as failure to prevent run the wrong code or do not strictly regulate the user's input, DLL error will collapse. Do not panic, is this normal EXE finished, but the DLL will lead to the collapse of the procedures followed it hung suffer, do not forget the process of hooking the system Oh, the end is ... ... miserable. So write a DLL Trojan can be published in the troubleshooting inspection done more than the usual EXE Trojan, written all over their upset ... ...

6, DLL Trojan detection and killing

Startup Items are not often look more mysterious items, this is where Loader, as long as the killing of the wolf, in a difficult position no longer a crazy. And more difficult to find DLL Trojan body, you need to have some programming knowledge and analytical ability, DLL Loader where to find the name, or see more from the process in what strange hook DLL, but the novice is ... ... a word that is difficult ah more difficult, so the easiest way: anti-virus software and firewall (not a panacea, avoid long-term use).


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Monday, October 18, 2010

Who is "Green Dam" in pay?

Recently, the Department issued a letter on the computer to force the popularity of the national "Green Dam - Youth Escort" low rogue filtering software notice, this news broadcast on the national uproar caused, according to People's Network public opinion poll, support the installation "Green Dam" software only 5%, 87% Internet users against installing the software. For various reasons, "Green Dam" software installation had to be postponed.

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Sunday, September 26, 2010

11n vs. 150M and 300M internal battle cost the king

If the wireless network in the world is divided into two halves, half of which must be as bright as the example of clashes between 3G, while the other half is as quiet as the water gently WiFi. Compared to high-profile 3G, WiFi in the world is always so calm, so the alarm, but that calm does not mean that WiFi in silence, it is ready, waiting for overnight success.

Then in 2009 what the world highlights WiFi? The answer is the 150M, as the IEEE 802.11n standard rate under a standard, it appears not only broke the WiFi world peace, to break the monopoly of 300M. 150M capabilities then what? It is not a lot of people in the "non-mainstream" speed standards? We will duel it 300M to tell you the answer, to tell you who is the king of cost-11n world.

Rectification of names for the 150M it is definitely not "non-mainstream"

150M really is a "non-mainstream" it? Is not true, although many users of traditional values, 802.11n represents the 300M, 300M also represents the 11n, but this is not true, according to IEEE official description, 11n standard was actually For four speed grades, that is, 150M, 300M, 450M and 600M, 150M so that is definitely not "non-mainstream."

150M has been the rectification of names, it's the actual performance of what? It how big the gap 300M? 150M and 300M Who is more worth buying? The answer will duel in the following test revealed for you 11.

Test Content:

The duel will be divided into entry-level product duel, the mainstream level and enterprise-level products products duel duel. In each duel, 150M and 300M will be a wireless router as representatives of parties to participate. Rate test items include single-threaded test, multi-threaded rate testing, and proficiency test signal through walls.

Test method:

Single, multi-threaded test: We will test this by NetIQ Chariot software, wireless routing, single entry (more) pair throughput capacity, with intuitive data show their strength.

Wall proficiency test: we also by NetIQ Chariot software to test, but in the test side and wireless routing separated by a load-bearing walls.

Successful completion of preparatory work, like the wonderful example of clashes between test immediately start, the first duel: the entry-level. Entry-level duel: FAST FW150R VS TP-LINK TL-WR841N

150M Representative: FAST FW150R

FAST FW150R is a quick launch of its latest 150M wireless router, its body is very small, the overall design simple and fashionable; it supports the IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11b and other standards, theoretical maximum data transfer rate of 150Mbps . With its strength, it is rapidly becoming the entry-level leader in the 150M wireless router. Market Price: 108 yuan

300M Representative: TP-LINK TL-WR841N

TP-LINK TL-WR841N wireless router set wired / wireless in one, the overall shape the same simple fashion; it is consistent with IEEE 802.11n (draft standard), IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11b and other standards, the maximum wireless transfer rate up to 300Mbps; it 300M wireless router is the entry-level representatives of the classic. Market Price: 215 yuan

Vs. single-threaded test start:

FW150R: 60.360Mbps TL-WR841N: 59.334Mbps

Multithreaded Test:

FW150R: 74.123Mbps TL-WR841N: 78.362Mbps

Wall Test:

FW150R: 25.404Mbps TL-WR841N: 34.362Mbps

Summary: Gap 150M little more cost-effective

Comparison test by the three we can see, 150M and 300M for the overall gap is very small, even in single-threaded test results over the 300M, 150M's performance is excellent. On the whole, 150M 300M product's performance is about 90% of the product, the price of the former is only 50% of the latter, cost-effective at a glance. Therefore, the duel in the entry-level products, 150M win. Vs. flow-level products: Tenda W311R VS ASUS RT-N11 +

150M: Tenda W311R

Tenda W311R's a classic 150M wireless router, which uses both gray and white color design, stylish looks generous, modern full. It supports IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11b and other standards, theoretical maximum data transfer rate of 150Mbps. Since its launch, it has been a majority of the customers and become one of the products of choice for mainstream users. Market Price: 130 yuan


ASUS RT-N11 + is the latest of a 300M wireless router, which uses the white of the design style, demonstrates the high-end products temperament; it supports the IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11b and other standards; Because of its superior performance, it is available soon on board the "speed king" of the throne and become the absolute representative of 300M. Market Price: 285 yuan

Vs. single-threaded test start:

W311R: 53.417Mbps RT-N11 +: 72.675Mbps

Multithreaded Test:

W311R: 79.237Mbps RT-N11 +: 89.434Mbps

Wall Test:

W311R: 25.620Mbps RT-N11 +: 33.328Mbps

Summary: 300M 150M strength was more cost-effective

Comparison test in the mainstream products, we see a strong representative 300M strength, ASUS RT-N11 +'s performance does have a good style of the King. Tenda W311R with it, but the gap is not too great, one of only a difference of up to 19Mbps, the same satisfactory performance, taking into account the W311R price of only 130 yuan, the same cost advantage is obvious. Therefore, the duel of the mainstream products, 150M of the cost the same than 300M. Vs. Enterprise Product: Belkin F6D4230zh4 VS NETGEAR WNR2000

Belkin F6D4230zh4

F6D4230zh4 is Belkin's of a classic 150M wireless router, which uses a piano paint, frosted panel, and feel very good material, when people first get our hands on a kind of love the feel. It supports IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11b and other standards, theoretical maximum data transfer rate of 150Mbps. Since its launch, it has by virtue of superior performance by the many high-end enterprise-class users of all ages, a classic market. Market Price: 398 yuan


WNR2000 NETGEAR's is an "alternative" in the 300M wireless router, which uses black piano paint materials, which is the traditional "white gold family" style is completely different. Although the appearance has changed, but it still maintains the performance advantages of NETGEAR in the industry, working with NETGEAR products also uphold the fine. It supports IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11g / b standard, the maximum theoretical transfer rate of 300Mbps. Its overall performance is outstanding, you can easily respond to the diverse needs of enterprise customers. Market Price: 550

Vs. single-threaded test start:

F6D4230zh4: 51.319Mbps WNR2000: 65.250Mbps

Multithreaded Test:

F6D4230zh4: 52.076Mbps WNR2000: 87.322Mbps

Wall Test:

F6D4230zh4: 27.438Mbps WNR2000: 33.328Mbps

Summary: very cost-effective performance are excellent

Enterprise-class products in the test, 150M and 300M fierce competition until the final winner of a failed test, both performed satisfactorily. For small business-class customers, Belkin F6D4230zh4 is definitely a good choice; while for medium and large enterprise users, the NETGEAR WNR2000 is the best partner. Comprehensive view, in this round duel, 150M and 300M to fight and.

Summary: 150M subtle performance the best choice for home users

After three rounds of the confrontation, we want to applaud the performance of 150M wonderful product, although it is less than 300M products in terms of speed, but the gap is very small with the overall performance of the product can reach 300M 80%, this performance is indeed praiseworthy; 150M product that taking into account the low price (about 300M price of 50%), can be said that 150M is a well-deserved cost 11n king. 11n be popular in the era of modern family if you are a user, if you are in need of a wireless network products that 150M is definitely your best choice because it is the new "king of cost-effective."

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

VBScript Pattern Properties

Pattern Properties

Sets or returns the regular expression search mode.

object.Pattern [= searchstring]


Required. Is always a RegExp object variable.


Available options. By regular string expression search. It may contain some form to set the regular expression in a variety of characters.

Set up

In writing the regular expression pattern used special characters and sequences. The following table describes the characters and sequences can be used, and gives examples.

Character Description
Will be the next character is marked as a special character or literal. For example, with the character n n match. n with newline matches. Sequence \ and match, (and (match.
^ Matches the beginning of the input.
$ Matches the end.
* Matches the preceding character zero or a few times. For example, zo * matches z, zoo.
+ Matches one or more times the previous character. For example, zo + can match the zoo, but does not match the z.
? Match the previous character zero or one. For example, a? Ve? Can never match the ve.
. Matches any character other than newline.
(Pattern) and pattern matching and remember the match. Matched substring can be as a result of the Matches collection using the Item [0 ]...[ n] to obtain. To match parentheses characters (and), use (or).
x | y matches x or y. For example, z | food can match the z or food. (Z | f) oo match the zoo or the food.
(N) n non-negative integers. Match exactly n times. For example, o (2) can not be matched with Bob in the o, but can foooood o in the first two matches.
(N,) n non-negative integers. Match at least n times. For example, o (2,) does not match Bob's o, but the match foooood all of the o. o (1,) is equivalent to o +. o (0,) is equivalent to o *.
(N, m) m and n non-negative integers. Match at least n times, at most m times. For example, o (1,3) matches fooooood in the first three o. o (0,1) is equivalent to o?.
[Xyz] A character set. And one of the characters in parentheses matching. For example, [abc] matches the plain in a.
[^ Xyz] A negative character set. This does not match any character in brackets. For example, [^ abc] can match the plain in the p.
[A-z] that a range of characters. Within the specified range matches any character. For example, [az] match between a and z any lowercase characters.
[^ M-z] in the negative range characters. And not in the specified range of characters matched. For example, [mz] m to z and not on any of the characters between the matches.
b and the word boundary matching, that is, the location between the words and spaces. For example, erb er and never in the match, but does not match the verb in the er.
B and non-word boundary matching. ea * rB and never early match in the ear.
d with a number of character match. Is equivalent to [0-9].
D matches with non-numeric characters. Is equivalent to [^ 0-9].
f and page breaks match.
match n with newline characters.
r and carriage return characters match.
s matches any white characters, including spaces, tabs, page breaks and so on. Is equivalent to [fnrtv].
S and any non-blank character match. Is equivalent to [^ fnrtv].
t match with the tab.
match v with vertical tabs.
w matches any word character including underscore. Is equivalent to [A-Za-z0-9_].
W matches any non-word character. Is equivalent to [^ A-Za-z0-9_].
num num match, of which num is a positive integer. Reference back to remembered matches. For example, (.) 1 matches two consecutive identical characters.
n match n, where n is an octal escape value. Octal escape values must be 1, 2 or 3 digits long. For example, 11 and 011 are matched with a tab. 0011 is equivalent to 001 and 1. Octal escape values must not exceed 256. Otherwise, only the first two characters are treated as part of an expression. Allows the use of regular expressions ASCII code.
xn match n, where n is a hexadecimal escape value. Hexadecimal escape values must be exactly two digits long. For example, x41 Match A. x041 is equivalent to the x04 and 1. Allows the use of regular expressions ASCII code.


The following code illustrates the use of Pattern attributes:

Function RegExpTest (patrn, strng) Dim regEx, Match, Matches''to establish variable. Set regEx = New RegExp''to establish a general expression. regEx.Pattern = patrn''set the pattern. regEx.IgnoreCase = True''settings are case-sensitive. regEx.Global = True''set the global availability. set Matches = regEx.Execute (string)''Repeat match set RegExpTest = regEx.Execute (strng)''perform a search. for each match in matches''Repeat match set RetStr = RetStr & Match found at position RetStr = RetStr & Match.FirstIndex &. Match Value is''RetStr = RetStr & Match.Value &''.& vbCRLF NextRegExpTest = RetStrEnd FunctionMsgBox (RegExpTest (is., IS1 is2 IS3 is4))

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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Make a IPhunter

Some people say that programmers have become assembly workers, actually makes sense to use the control module + a small amount of code can be achieved, delphi 5.0 provides a wealth of internet control, using tcp / ip client - server can resolve the problem. The key control is serversocket, we imitate iphunter interface with a button1 (button), a combobox1 (for display), the three most basic controls placed on the blank form you can start writing code.

First, the combobox1 must be able to display more than one ip, we set a variable y to accumulate combobox1.items [y],
var y: integer;
Our idea is as follows, when serversocket activities port (port) received on tcp / ip protocol when the link request, return to the other side of the ip value, passed to the combobox is displayed. Activation by the button1 control serversocket, that is, open closed ports.

We serversocket's on clientconnect event to add about code
procedure tform1.serversocket11clientconnect (sender: tobject;
socket: tcustomwinsocket);
combobox1.items.insert (y ,'''');// add a blank record
combobox1.items [y]: = socket.remoteaddress; / / access each other's ip
label1.text: =''were caught''+ inttostr (y +1) +''a ip'';// with a label to display the total number of ip arrested
y: = y +1; / / counter variable by 1
Now, the button1 the caption property is set to''Start'', in its Click event add the following code
procedure tform1.speedbutton7click (sender: tobject);
if speedbutton7.caption =''Start''then
serversocket11.port: = 80; / / phrase can be set in the serversocket properties, capture the browser's connection
serversocket11.active: = true; / / activate the port
speedbutton7.caption: =''stop'';
serversocket11.active: = false; / / close the port
speedbutton7.caption: =''begin'';
combobox1.clear; / / end of the capture, clear the history information
y: = 0; / / Reset counter variable

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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

FreeBSD Serial (14): shell set

Command interpreter shell is most closely related with the user application, the user primarily through the shell using the system. After each log, they launched a user interaction with the shell, the shell will give a prompt waiting for user input, (sh for the "$", csh as "%", if it is to use root user, the login prompt symbol will be "#"), and then interpret the implementation of the user's input.
FreeBSD's base system can be used in shell two: sh and csh. The two basic shell is not the same style, different users often come under the preferences to choose between the two. Of course, the current shell process better choice available to users, these follow-up of the shell are under sh or csh style further developed, so it can be said in the shell, there are also two styles, require the user according to their own use used to choose.
For the administrator to be, to use a different shell as the user set up the basic environment, we must understand these two styles of shell set up. System log, sh will be the first implementation of the / etc / profile file for each user to set the basic environment, csh will use the / etc / csh.cshrc, csh.login and csh.logout csh as a system resource file. Implementation of the system-level log file, each user's shell on the user's home directory to find the resources the user personal files: sh to use. Profile files, csh use. Login and. Cshrc file. These resource files are using the appropriate shell language, / etc / profile and personal directory. Profile use sh-style control language, / etc / cshrc and personal directory. Login,. Cshrc use csh-style control language. System administrators can change these resource files to provide users with the most convenient use of the environment. Of course, the system administrator does not need to edit your home directory directly under the resource files that should be managed by the user, but the system administrator account can be generated when the user create the default resource file in order to reduce the user to set the resource file trouble. adduser command default to use / usr / share / skel files in a variety of resource files to provide users with the default settings, apart from this directory into the shell's resource file, you can also add other applications of the resource file . Because these resource files are hidden files to point at the beginning, in order to express clearly, in the skel directory, using a conversion method, such as the use dot.profile as. Profile template.
# Ls / usr / share / skel
dot.cshrc dot.mail_aliases dot.rhosts
dot.login dot.mailrc dot.shrc
dot.login_conf dot.profile
In / usr / share / skel for the user to set the default configuration file, the user-generated, the user will not affect the. Therefore, modifications to the system log files more effective and direct. For sh-style user can change the / etc / profile file, and csh should be changed / etc / csh.cshrc file. Changes in these documents can use shell environment variables, so to change the shell's behavior, or perform a series of automatic operation, the completion of some users to log on automatically when the task.
Commonly used environment variables:
EDITOR editor used to set the user, many programs view this variable to start a specific editor, the situation can change according to the system
HOME User's home directory name, this variable set by the login procedure, generally do not need to change
DISPLAYX use this environment variable to identify the specific display location, the format for the "Computer name: X server serial number. Display serial number", such as: xt1: 0.0, it does not need to define in the resource file
LANG system uses the language for localization of the system, the default is "C", specific settings can view / usr / share / locale directory, where the definition of the different languages, you can set it to zh_CN.EUC to make some software to use Chinese characters.
MAIL location of the user mail file, do not need to change
PATH uses a series of colon-separated path, the system uses to find specific executable program, so this variable is very important, can change the value of the specific situation. For security reasons, not to the current directory search path as the implementation of the program, especially for root. This startup programs in the current directory, need to add the path, for example, to start the current directory a.out program, enter ". / A.out".
MANPATH using a series of colon-separated path, the system uses to find the specific command-line manual, set the same methods and PATH.
PS1sh style shell using the variable value as the prompt, the default value is "$" (root for the "#"). More modern sh prompt to enhance the flexibility, you can prompt to add the current directory, user name, machine name, order number and so on.
PS2sh shell style variables to use this as a follow-up prompt, prompt the command has not been fully entered, the default is ">"
TERM Terminal type, the need for full-screen operation procedure is very important. Sometimes adjust the settings according to the situation.
TZ time zone settings, the specific time zone information in / usr / share / zoneinfo directory, need to set the standard for the local time zone value
The user's shell can be set for specific applications, to achieve the limit users on a special purpose. For example, just to give the user an e-mail, but do not want to give him the right to use the terminal, you can change the user's shell to / bin / true or other immediate exit procedures. For security purposes, users should be a non-existent shell holes binaries, it is best not to use an interpreted language script as login shell. Because the system is approved by shell procedures / etc / shells file listed in the program, the special user's shell is set to specific applications, but these applications not included in the shells file, then the user will be some applications to differentiate between ordinary users to refuse to provide services. Ftp server programs such as ftpd, by checking the user's shell is not the standard shell, to distinguish the user is normal user or users for a particular purpose.
Note that the user can not easily change the root shell, because it may cause root can not login properly, and so is unable to perform system maintenance. Even the root of the shell to change to other newer, stronger and features a standard shell, such as bash or tcsh, it should not be. Although the shell is very mature shell, still should not use them as a root of the shell. Main reason is that these shell generally has not been installed to the root partition, then when the system into single-user state, problems can arise. Another shell may be as a result of these upgrades and other reasons, and occasionally the formation of faults, causing root can not login properly. In addition, these non-standard shell does not come from the installation disk in the system, and therefore the existence of shell sources of security and trust issues, we must ensure that these shell is not changed by the attacker's version. If you want to use them to provide a convenience feature shell can be used in the system log after the full path to execute them.
* Configure user shell
In fact sh and csh, not the best choice for general users, as the two shell in the ease of use is not good enough to do, such as command line editing is not strong, can not use the hot key repeat orders. Relatively new shell, such as bash and tcsh have these user-friendly features, but these shell procedures must be installed after the ordinary user's shell to change the settings to use the shell program. Change the user's shell can use pw, vipw or chsh.
The two were in accordance with sh and csh shell style, so you can choose style preferences csh tcsh, and sh-style choices like bash. In addition to the two shell, there is ksh, zsh and other shell available. If the two shell no preference, you can choose bash, it is a GNU software, powerful than the standard multi-sh.
Use two more enhanced shell, users can use the shell command-line editing. According to different habits, you can choose vi or emacs-style editing style means the default is emacs mode, this way, use the arrow keys to go back over the order execution, and modify the letter of the command to use vi style editing keys , such as using h, j, k, l four keys to move the cursor, vi-style benefit is not used outside of basic keyboard controls, which can be applied to any terminal equipment, and edit basic keyboard without having to leave when the hand , after proficiency in the most efficient. emacs style is more suitable than the vi style shift from the personal computer habits of Unix users. bash, ksh, zsh use the following command in emacs and vi style switch style:
bash $ set-o emacs
bash $ set-o vi
tcsh use different commands:
% Bind emacs
% Bind vi
Frequently used commands can also set an alias to simplify user input, such as:
bash $ alias ec = "echo This is a alias"
bash $ ec
This is a alias
shell for another user's ability to operate auto-complete command or file name of the function, as FreeBSD, the file name may be long, will they all input much trouble. In fact you can enter part of the name, then press the Tab key (vi style in the press under the Esc key twice in a row), shell will automatically fill the remainder of the full file name. If you have already entered this part of the name can not determine the specific order or document, then the shell will be able to identify only part of make up, and then notify the user to enter the ring with clear and specific documents.
In fact even in the basic under sh or csh, you can also use the "*" and other special characters, use the pattern matching approach to simplify the input.
bash $ cd / usr / local
bash $ pwd
/ Usr / local
Most Unix programs are available in the pattern matching processing capacity, while the shell's pattern matching functions most commonly used. shell can use these special mode to configure multiple files, to simplify operations purposes. If you are familiar with Unix, must have the pattern matching.
When trying to bash when typing Chinese characters, in addition to the terminal property must be set to accept 8-bit characters other than (Executive stty pass8 command), also need to set the bash of the input and output conversion, you can logon script. Profile file includes the following settings:
bind''set convert-meta off''
bind''set meta-flag on''
bind''set output-meta on''

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Friday, June 25, 2010

Bliss DVD-Audio APE AC3 to WMA Burner

Bliss DVD-Audio APE AC3 to WMA Burner - stop recording after a preset time - handy if you know the length of a song on tape or vinyl. Configuration from last run is saved and auto loads on start-up. Bliss DVD-Audio APE AC3 to WMA Burner - Graphical WAV Editor / Recorder. MP3 Decoder / Editor. Just one click to finish converting, everyone can use it even a child. Rich options of MP3 encoder, WMA encoder and OGG encoder. Rip CD digitally and directly into music files , no temporary wav file used, saving your hard disk and make it faster! Rip audio CD to MP3, CD, CDA, CD-R, DVD-Audio, AAC, AC3, ID3, M3U, M4A, M4P, MP3 ID3 Tag, OGG, RA, WAV, WMA, MP2, APE, VQF, MPC, AMR, Midi, WAVE, and RM files. Support Multiple CD-ROMs.